discount coupons are intended not to lure customers in general but to lure a certain class of customers ─ namely, those who would shop elsewhere in the absence of a bargain. the device works only if the discounts end up in the right hands: it must be the case that coupon clippers, on average, are more sensitive to price. most economists believe that [the connection] is established by the fact that some people have more free time than others. those with a lot of free time are both more likely to be clipping coupons and more likely to be shopping around for bargains.
세번째줄 끝에 즘에[the connection]의 의미하는 바가 정확히 뭘까요? 뭐와 뭐의 연결일까요?ㅠ
2022-03-02 22:43:10
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