영자 신문을 읽는데 briefed on the exchange란 표현이 종종 나오던데, 어떻게 해석해야하나요?
* several people briefed on the exchange said thursday, even as white house ~~~
* ~~~ according to a person briefed on the exchange.
답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다^^**
댓글 0
2022-03-01 13:30:09
영자 신문을 읽는데 briefed on the exchange란 표현이 종종 나오던데, 어떻게 해석해야하나요?
* several people briefed on the exchange said thursday, even as white house ~~~
* ~~~ according to a person briefed on the exchange.
답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다^^**