※ 질문하기질문내용The girl to whom he was talking was his coworker
a movie set is the place in which a motion picture is filmed
Whoever of all the dancers performs most gracefully will in this vase as a prize
첫번째 문장을 to whom 어떻게 해석하는게 좋을까요? whom은 소유격이고 앞에 to 까지 있으니 헷갈려요,,,,,나머지는 해석 불가여서,,,,,,,부탁드립니다.
2025-03-05 08:44:01
The girl was his coworker. + He was talking to the girl.
영화 세트장은 영화가 촬영되는 장소이다.
가장 우아하게 춤을 공연하는 무용수라면 어느 누구든 상으로 이 꽃병을 받게 될 것이다.