masks are too heavy to uphold indefinitely, and no matter
how well you believe you are disguising yourself, others
always know. the consequences are that you waste energy,
sacrifice productivity, and lose people’s trust. in our study,
all of the ceos were concerned that dropping their masks
would make them appear weak. in every case, however,the
leader’s subordinates perceived the removal of the mask as
an act of strength and courage.this, in turn, encouraged a
culture where those subordinates did the same, creating a
snowball effect. some of the ways we helped the ceos
remove their masks were to actually name the masks,
explore the significant personal and professional costs of
upholding them, and ask the ceos to reflect on the leader
they most admired. at this point each of the ceos was ready
to rebuild a leadership identity based on values, strengths,
and ambitions.
① ceo가 되기 위해서는 전문성을 갖추어야 한다.② ceo는 열정적이고, 희생적이며, 신뢰감을 주어야 한다.③ ceo는 부하 직원에게 나약한 모습을 보여서는 안 된다.④ ceo는 자신을 그대로 보여줌으로써 리더십을 재정립할 수 있다.⑤ ceo의 리더십은 자신이 존경하는 지도자를 모방함으로써 생긴다.이게 문제 전문이구요밑줄 친 부분이 해석이 안되는데요.. 한글해석을 읽어도 잘 이해가 안 가요
the significant personal and professional costs of
upholding them,
여기서 시그니피컨트를 중요한? 상당한? 어떻게 해석해야할까요
그것들을 지지하는 주요한 개인적 직업적 비용? 이렇게 해석해야하나요?
그리고 마스크에 이름을 붙이고 조사하라는게 필자가 독자에게 하는말인지
ceo들에게 시키는건지 이해가 안 됩니다.