능률기본영어에서 106p. 2번 지문입니다.for years, the only giant squid people had ever seen were those that had washed up on shore or had been found in the stomachs of whales.밑줄 친 부분에 had been washed up이 와야 옳은 표현이 되지 않을까요?
예문을 상당히 많이 찾아봤지만, wash up이나 wash가 그 자체만으로수동의 의미가 되진 않는 것 같아서 자꾸만 의문이 남는군요. 단순한 오류인지 제가 놓치고 있는 부분이 있는지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
2022-07-12 07:03:49
wash up (on)~
자동사, 타동사 둘다 가능하다고 나오네요. 예문도 적지 않게 나오고요.
[intransitive/transitive] if the sea washes something up somewhere, it carries it and leaves it there.
Two whales have been washed up on the beach.
Some of the oil has washed up on a neighbourin