nobody wants to sell us on a program for change that will take years because no one would buy it. 여기에 on이 왜 들어갔는지 좀 알려주세요.
2022-06-06 20:59:33
nobody wants to sell us on a program for change that will take years because no one would buy it. 여기에 on이 왜 들어갔는지 좀 알려주세요.
sell의 의미중,,,
4-b. …에게 아이디어 따위를 팔다, 선전하다
( sell+[목]+[목] ) sell an idea to a person = sell a person (on) an idea
아이디어를 …에게 팔다
참고: 두산동아 영한사전