※ 질문하기질문내용They now regularly represent more than 10 percent of students at elite schools, many of which have taken up campaigns to broaden their global appeal. And the overwhelming source of these new students? Not the established European and American boarding schools that have alwawys placed a respectable bloc of graduates into the best colleges. Instead, a new crop of prep schools is rising in other parts of the world, particularly South Korea.색 칠해진 부분 해석이 잘 안돼서요..
2022-06-02 23:14:28
이미 상당한 수의 졸업생을 미국 최고의 대학에 입학을 시켜왔던 기존의 정평있는 유럽이나 미국의 기숙학교가 아닙니다.