In an asado, they cook all the parts of the cow./
질문1) 아사도가 스페인어로 바베큐인데 아사도에서, 라고하기에쫌 이상한거같은데
some are deep-fried or rolled in salt and olive oil, while others are served in a bun./
질문2) 분홍색 해석이어떻게되나요?
Items such as cow tongue,blood sausage and intestines are considered delicacies./
질문3) 소혀와 돼지피소세지,창자들과같은 항목들? item해석이뭔가요?
I tried all of them, even though I was scared to./
심지어 내가 겁먹었을지라도 나는 그것들을 모두 시도했다.?
They were surprisingly tasty./
그것들은 놀랍게도 맛있었다.
The only one I really disliked was the tongue/
내가 정말 싫어했던 유일한하나는 소의혀였다.
The thought of eating something that could eat me was discomforting
질문5) discomfort는 명사 불편, 인데... 왜 ing가붙여졌죠?
댓글 0
2022-06-02 19:44:12