1. In order for the questionnaire to accurately portray current trends, all participants must respond to the questions by themselves.
-정확하게 현재의 트렌드를 묘사하는 질문을 위해, 모든 참가자들은 그들 스스로 질문에 답해야 한다.
2. None of the other members of his division can keep up with his high level of daily productivity.
-그의 부서에서 그의 생산성의 높은 레벨을 유지할 수 있는 다른 멤버들은없다.
3. Pearson Alarms has once again shown itself more than fit to compete in the home security industry.
4. The list of clients to whom the monthly newsletters must be sent is on file in the main office.
5. As long as he has projects that satisfy his needs, he is a pleasant person to work with.
6.The fabric is made of microfibers that allow the body to breathe, but keep the rain out.1,2번 해석 해봤는데 이상한거 같습니다..ㅠㅠ어떻게 고쳐야 할까요??
3,4,5,6번은 아예 손을 못댔겠어요..ㅠㅠ 도와주세요.