1. ___________ should be one of the first stepsand probably one of the most important you make.
2. get this wrong and no matter how well you sew your curtains the desired effect will not be achieved.
3. for curtains outside the recess, the track or pole needs to be wider than the window fame to allow for stacking the opened curtains.
4. it should be fixed about 10 cms above the top of the window frame andshould be horizontal.
a) making zipped cushions
b) matching patterned fabrics
c) measuring your windows
d) attaching a balance to the top of curtains
음... 여기서 일단... 2,3,4번 문장을 해석해 주시구여...
보기 에 있는 문항들 중에서 1번의 ________ 부분에 들어갈 말이 뭔지 좀 갈켜주세여...
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2022-05-13 12:56:34