we are born, each of us, with such self-centeredness that only the fact of being babies, and therefore cuse, saves us.Growing up is largely a matter of growing out of that condition: we soak in impression, and as we do so we dethrone ourselves-or at least most of up do- from our original position at the center of the universe.임용고시에 나왔던 문장인데요..이렇게 콤마,대쉬,콜론등이 많이 나오는 문장은 구문 분석을 어떻게 해야 하는걸까요?그리고 이런 문장의 구문분석력을 키우기 위해서는 어떻게 공부해야 하는 걸까요?고수님들~부탁드려요~
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2022-03-10 03:42:23