1. you need to accept responsibility for your faulty, your mistakes, the negatives that you bring to the relationship.:and 없이 저렇게 명사 연결되는거 되나요? 저렇게 명사,명사는 동격으로 알고있는데 저러니까 음.. your faulty의 동격으로치자! 하고 넘어갔는데.. 다른문제(2번)를 만났습니다2. i was treated to thirty seconds of flames shooting out of windows, one minute of interviews with sobbing women, who were mostly bewailing their lost possessions.:이것도 명사의 나열 아닌가요?? 접속사 and없이 저렇게 가능한가요??one minute 부분을 독립분사구문으로 치자니 뭔가 해석이 이상하고..음..궁금합니다!
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2022-02-02 16:41:59