분사 구문에서 being이나 having been은 생략이 가능하잖아요..
1.as the weather was fine, i kept the window open.
= the weather being fine, i kept the window open.
이 문장에선 being을 생략할 수 없는게 맞나요?
그리고 하나 더요...
2.he was reading a book, and his wife was knitting beside him.
=he was reading a book, his wife knitting beside him
교재에 이렇게 나와 있는데요...his wife뒤에 being이 생략 된거죠?
이때는 his wife라는 다른 주어가 있는데 왜 being을 생략한 거죠?
답변 부탁 드려요.
2022-01-14 13:44:28
안녕하세요.. 좋은 하루되세요*^^*