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질문 내용 :
수능 다큐 p.82 198번
In a complex, intellectually demanding and high-pressure task such as that of air traffic controllers,
for example, having chronically high anciety is an almost sure predictor that a person will eventually fail intraining or in the field.
1. 이 문장 해석 맞나요?
In a complex,/ intellectually demanding and high-pressure task / such as that of air traffic controllers,
/ for example, / having chronically high anciety / is an almost sure predictor / that a person will eventually fail in training or in the field.
복합적으로(?), 예를 들어,만성적으로 많은 걱정을 가진 항공 교통 관제사의 그것과 같이 지적으로 까다롭고 압박이 심한 일은 한 사람이 결국에는 훈련이나 현장에서 실패할 것이라는 분명한 예측을 하게 한다.
2. that은 intellectually~task 인가요?
In a complex, intellectually demanding and high-pressure task such as that of air traffic controllers,
for example, having chronically high anciety is an almost sure predictor that a person will eventually fail intraining or in the field.
1., 2. 가르쳐주시면 감사하겠습니다!ㅎㅎ
댓글 4
친절하게 해석해 주셔서 감사합니당ㅎㅎㅎ!!
해석은 그렇게 하셔서 이해되시면 충분한것 같구요 that 은 앞 선행사 predictor 의 동격의 that 입니다
위쪽 that은 님말씀대로 intellectually demanding and high-pressure task 를 가리키는것 맞구요 -
In [a complex, intellectually demanding and high-pressure task ] such as that(=the task) of air traffic controllers, 예를 들어,항공교통 관제사의 일처럼 복잡하고, 지적으로 까다롭고 압박이 심한 일에서는
/ for example, / having chronically high anciety / is an almost sure predictor / that a
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