critical aspects on flexibility training
in state-of-the-art of science it is possible to express the
following effects on flexibility training:
intensive flexibility training loads the musculature and
even can cause injuries, too
a review over the flexibility trainings methods:
dynamic-active : performed rhythmically with slow velocity
coordinative parts, discipline specific exercises,
strengthening of the antagonist
athlete needs a high level of motor-control /
intermuscular coordination
(=combined effort of different muscles to perform a movement)
dynamic-passive : performed rhythmically-guided with slow velocity
higher rom than performing actively, maybe
relaxation and recovery by performing with a partner
no strengthening of the antagonist, partners experience has to be given
slow getting in a stretched position until rom limits the movement
precise and controlled load and thereby protection of overtraining of musculature
lesser rom than in passive and dynamic training methods
guided stretching with followed keeping of the stretched position
selective and targeted stretching, relaxation of the athlete whilst performing
no coordinative and strengthening parts in it
practical recommendations
it seems to be that static stretching declines muscle tension and thus it
is not the best method for adequate warming-up
but as a regenerative and relaxing method static stretching seems to be a
good way for
dynamic flexibility training and its coordinative effects causes an increase
in explosive strength and that is what wanna be reached in pre-match situation
furthermore musculature is better supplied with blood and injury risk decreases
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