1. once the question is put, we know try to obtain the answer.
(a). to proceed in direction to
(b) where direction proceed forward to
(c) in which direction to proceed to
(d) which direction proceed toward
= 정답은 c번인데요 b번은 왜 답이 안되나요? 주어와 동사의 일치때문인가요? 만약에 (b)번의 proceed가 proceed면
정답이 될 수 있나요? 그렇게 되도 좀 이상한거같긴한데.. b번 분석좀부탁드립니다...
2. most teachers spend a great deal of time on their students` papers, and it is a great pity .
(a). that too little parents appreciate that fact
(b). that parents too little appreciate taht fact
(c). that too few parents appreciate that fact
(d). that the least parents appreciate that fact
= 정답은 c번인데요 b번은 왜 답이 안될까요;; `부모들이 너무나 적게 그 사실에 주의를 기울인다`
답 될수있을거같은데;; too little이 부사로써 appreciate를 꾸며준다고 생각할수있지않나요;;3. dried legumes contain a large proportion of proteins and .
(a). can be used as meat substitutes.
(b). can substitute for meat
(c). used as meat substitutes.
(d). substitute themselves for meat.
= 정답은 a번인데요 d번은 답이 될수없을까요;; `고기를 자기자신들로(콩종류로) 대체한다.`
괜찮을거같은데;; 답변꼭좀 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다!