2번 문제의설명 좀 부탁드려요. 전 2번과 4번이 좀 헷갈려요.
the ___ⓐ_____ the automobile has thrust upon us is that liberation is bondage. the automobile has made it possible, literally and figuratively, to go anywhere, to be anyone. the most important freedom has become the freedom to move—to a new town, a new part of the country, a new life. today, however, the automobile is mostly thought of as a necessity. outside the cities it is hard to the point of impossibility to discharge the business of daily living without its help. it is the needle by which we have learned to sew together the pieces of our lives. for all its small tyrannies, the car is still a cornerstone of life, a convenience so taken for granted that its absence in our individual lives is almost beyond comprehension. 1.다음 중 필자가 주장하는 내용은?
① the car has assumed the status of something we can’t live without.
② the automobile has become a symbol of personal wealth and prestige.
③ it is almost impossible to operate a business outside the city limits.
④ it is difficult to imagine the freedom that the automobile has made possible.
2. 문맥상 빈칸 ⓐ에 가장 알맞은 것은?
① metaphor ② oxymoron
③ omen ④ paradox