he had p.p and had p.p ~ 이런식의 문장이 있으면 뒤의 조동사는 생략할 수도 있지 않나요??
불가능 하다면 항상 저렇게 표현해야하나요?
그렇다면 He had p.p and 과거 동사 ~는 못오나요 ?
ㅡㅡㅡㅡ medieval Europe and caused the fall of formerly stable governments has been accepted by the majority of historians.
1번 That epidemics scourged
2번 That epidemics had scourged
둘중 고민하다 일번햇는데 왜 안되는지 모르겟슴니다 !!
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2022-06-02 20:31:49