indeed, the most effective tactic of all may be to ensure one has several equally good or bad options and to tentative hint at a preference without formally committing to it, and then to left it dangle for some time, hoping that opponent decides to use up their block and leave the other options freely available.
tentative 가 틀린 곳이라는데 어떻게 고쳐야 하는건지....? 설명과 함꼐 해석 좀 부탁합니다.
2022-06-01 13:35:26
the most effective tactic may be to ensure one has several equally good options and to tentative hint at a preference
여기 보시면 and 다음 to 있잖아요 이 to에 밑줄이 안그어져있다는 것은 to가 반드시 쓰인다는 뜻이겠죠 그럼 투부정사이거나 전치사일텐데 앞문장을 봐보니, to ensure과 병렬인 경우 외엔 쓰일수가 없겠네요 (만약 전치사 to였다면 앞에