Just as she turned to enter the store , a businessman walking very fast and , not looking where he was going , bumped into her , knocking her down.문장 분석하면a businessman walking very fast and , not looking where he was going , bumped into her.주어 현.분 후치수식 분사구문 동사 (who was )walking ( and he was )not looking질문 1!여기서 walking very fast 와 not looking 사이의 and 의 정체 가 궁금합니다.not looking 부분이 분사구문이면 ( and he was )not looking 되어서 and 가 없어져야 되는거 아닌가요?and 가 있으면 a businessman and bumped 가 되어 버리지 않나요?질문 2 !그래서 저는 혹시나 이런식으로 생각해 봤습니다. 아예다른 식으로a businessman walking very fast and , not looking where he was going , bumped into her. 주어현분 후치수식 1현분 후치수식 2 동사a businessman(who was)walking very fastand , (who was) not looking where he was going , bumped into her.이렇게 본다 치면 and 뒤의 컴마는 또 뭐가 되는거죠?아!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!명쾌한 설명 좀 부탁드려요...
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