밑즐 친 부분이 틀렸다는데 왜 틀렸는지 그 이유를 아고 싶어요. 설명 부탁드려요.
1. i realized that although school are to blame for part of the gap, a lot of the problems begin early, in the home, before kids even got to school.
2. looking back on her earliest experience ran leadership programs in public high schools in new york city, deborah laughs at how little she knew then about what makes a leader.
3. the babies themselves bacame less inquisitive, their affect bacame more blunted, they had flatter emotional reponses, and became somewhat withdrawal as a result of living with a depressed mother.
2022-02-24 20:55:40
일번 시제 잏치가 잘못 get 으로 고침요