※ 질문하기질문내용But in an age when divorce and serial marriage have become commonplace, when many women are entering marriages earning large sums and such assets are an increasing component of family wealth, it is not just billionaires like Ronald Perelman, president of Revlon, and Donald Trump who are concerned about protecting what is his, what is hers and what is theirs.
요거 끊어서 해석좀 부탁드려요~
when 부터 햇갈리네요ㅜㅜCommon sense may dictate that since most countries require income tax returns signed by both spouses, husbands and wives should at least know what the other is earning. But this is not necessarily so, experts in marriage counseling and family law say.
이건 require 하고 returns 때문에 헷갈려요ㅜㅜ
끊어서 해석 부탁드립니다~ㅜㅜ
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2022-08-06 20:40:51