1. Afundamental change is happening in entertainment around the world. People are relying more and more on their televisions, DVD players, and computers for their entertainment because they can choose what to watch and when to watch it. This makes home-based entertainment more attractive than live performances. Even the biggest and best-known theaters find that they have to focus on attractive productions with top stars to draw crowds. Meanwhile, many small and medium-sized arts organizations are facing growing financial pressures due to the increasing popularity of home-based entertainment.
2. As an exchange student, I often shop at a mall to enrich my English vocabulary in the States. I find shopping in a mall gives me a chance to practice English, though I hate spending money. I look for many items in many parts of the store, and in each section I find a different clerk who is eager to help me practice English. I learn some new words whenever I shop at a mall. 3. Our IQ(intelligence quotient) is a measure of general intelligence based on an IQ test score. An IQ test can be an accurate measure of intelligence only if there is such a thing as general intelligence- intelligence that enables us to undertake a variety of everyday mental tasks. Some scientists, however, believe that we have several different intelligences rather than one general intelligence and that IQ tests cannot provide a complete measure of intelligence.해석하는데 지장없으시겠지만, 1. 2. 3번 서로 연관 없는 것들이랍니다~
너무 긴데요.....
1. 세걔적인 연예오락에 근본적인 변화가 일어나고 있다. 사람들이 점점더 텔레비전이나 디비디 플레이어 그리고 컴터에 의존하여 연예오락을 즐기고 있다. 왜냐하면 무엇을 볼지, 언제볼지 선택할 수 있기 때문이다. 이것이 가정에서 즐기는 연예프로그램들을 라이브 공연들보다 더 매력적으로보이게 만든다. 심지어 가장 크고 유명한 극장들조차고 관중들을 끌어모으기 위해 최고의 스타들이 등장하는 매력적인 작품에 촛점을 맞춰야 한다는 사실을 인식하고