※ 질문하기질문내용1. Raul is probably quite reluctant, because the kind of highstakes grandstanding that the young Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev indulged in in 1962 is exactly the opposite of what he apparently desires in foreing polich.2. If anything, Raul would prefer to avoid the limelight of any unnecessary conflict, and concentrate on resolving what is clearly, by his own admission, a disastrous internal economic and social situation.
3. He would go along with this sort of shenanigans only if either Washington turns it into a matter of pride or if the Russian request were accompanied by a substantive economic payoff that would allow Cuba to reduce its life-of death dependence on Venezuela and its friendly, complicit but increasingly erratic and precarious leader, Hugo Chavez.도와주세요.. ㅠㅠ