what we think at twenty-five was a trifling accident, at seventy-five we know to have been the enormous gesture of god.이 문장이 원래는at seventy-five we know what we think at twenty-five was a trifling accidentto have been the enormous gesture of god.이것의 도치인줄은 이해가 가는데요! 문제는
what we think was a trifling accidentwhat we think 까지가 주어이고, was가 동사면 하나의 절이 되는데,어떻게 know의 목적어에 절이 들어갈 수 있나요???궁금합니다...ㅠㅠ답변 부탁드릴게요!! ㅠㅠ
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2022-07-30 20:46:40