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1. north korea announced wednesday that it would halt major aspects of its nuclear weapons program and allow the return of international inspectors, a breakthrough in negotiations with the united states, which offered the country’s authoritarian government food aid and a pledge of no “hostile intent.”
북한은 주요 핵무기 실험 프로그램의 일부를 중단하고 국제 사찰단의 복귀도 허용하겠다고 수요일 발표하면서 미국과의 협상에서 돌파구가 되었고,

under the agreement — the first sign of progress after years of stalled u.s. efforts to persuade north korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal — the government in pyongyang said it would suspend its nuclear weapons tests, enrichment of uranium and long-range-missile launches, according to the state department.

the north koreans’ willingness to reengage, however, shows the stalinist government is interested in “picking up where the previous one left off — and that’s great,” the official said.

those talks, which could yield further pledges from pyongyang, stalled in 2008, with the north koreans eventually walking out to protest international criticism of a banned rocket launch.

pyongyang’s latest assurances “could indeed be an initial step on a path towards serious negotiations,” said richard c. bush iii.

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2022-07-30 09:36:55
여행오키 | 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-27241 | 관리 책임자 : 명현재
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