학교숙제라서 내일까지인데.. 정말 모르겠네요 ㅠㅠ 제발알려주세요!!
다말고 몇개만이라두요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ1. the best time to plant flowers and vegetable that bear crops above the ground is during
the light of the moon; that is,between the day the moon is new and tha day it is full.
2. a spokesman for the cellular telecommunications association attacked the study, dismissing
it as flawed and unscientific.
3. my uncle left me some money in his will and i sold some stocks and a piece of property.4. despite its inaccessibility ,rawlinson was able to scale the cliff and the old persian inscription.5. our sales tracking system records each step, from the initial order to the final delivery to the
6. we repeatedly told the subject not to speak about the experiment when returning to their fellow
classmates.7.managementand labor signed an agreement guaranteeing favorable terms foremployeesaffectedby the closure.
8. at the tip of the eastern inlet is the port of akaba, held by the turks until, in 1997, it was taken by
a small force of arab irregulars.