메뉴 건너뛰기

during the gfc the share prices of the major banks and the australian-owned regional banks fell along with share prices generally but in 2009 the prices of the smaller banks recovered less slowly than those of the major banks and the market as a whole.

but 사용시 앞 문장과 뒷 문장이 완벽하게 대조 될필요는 없는 건가요밑줄친 but 뒷문장만으로 봐서는 but앞에는 but 뒤에 문장의 대조되는 문장이 나오는걸로 알고 있엇는데요.. 그러니까, but 뒷문장에는 the smaller banks 가 share prices of the major banks & market 보다 회복이 늦게 되는걸 서술 하였으니까,but 앞문장에는 the small banks 와 the major banks 에 관한 서술이 최소한 나오는걸로 .....다른 말로는 , 저 위에 문장은 보통 2문장으로 표현되는걸 한문장에 앞축시킨걸로 보이는데, but접속사만으로도 가능한건지요?예를 들면 위에 문장은 보통,,during the gfc the share prices of the major banks and the australian-owned regional banks fell along with share prices generallybut recovered slowely in 2009. in particular, the recovery rate of the share prices of smaller banks were slower than that of major banks and the market as a whole.이렇게 표현이 되는게 일반적으로 보는 문장 같은데 말이죠.그게 가능하다면 작문시 밑의 두 문장을 그 밑에 한 문장으로 but 으로 연결이 가능한가요? 밑줄친 부분의 주장이 옅어지는건 어쩔수 없다 치더라도, 앞 두 문장에 있던 나머지 주장들은 밑에 한문장으로 문법상 오류를 범하지 않고 but만으로통합이 가능한지요?(앞뒤 문장이 궂이 대조를 이루지 않더라도요..)during the financial crisis in 2008 the plumetted housing prices has led many of theus financial institution to liquidatetheir business but not many of australian financial institutions were influenced bythe distressas badly as us financial institutions. notably,the financial crisishad less influence to the major banks than it had on the smaller banks in australia, of which funds relied highly on mortgage backed security in the asset profolio.during the financial crisis in 2008 the plumetted housing prices has led many of the us financial institution to liquidate their business but the distress had less influence to the major banks than it had on the smaller banks in australia, of which funds relied highly on mortgage backed security in the asset profolio.

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2022-07-22 09:13:51
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