질문 내용 :
다음 글의 밑줄친 부분 중 어법상 틀린것은?
Even flowers can work for us. Not only they look pretty but also one kind of flowers is used to tell how much somg is in the air over Tokyo.Its name is WinterQueen Gamma, that isa kind of begonia. When left out for six days in smog, it gets white spots on its leaves. If the smog continues for two more days, the spot ture intoblisters. Then the leaves ture brown and are filled with holes. Theflowers are working to warn people living there of this danger
답은 3번째 줄에 that인데요 관계대명사 that은 계속적 용법이 없어서 which라구...근데 ..이거 그냥 지시어 that으로 볼수 있지 않나해서요..지식인에 검색해보니까 ,(콤마)뒤에 that을 못쓴다고 나와있긴한데...관계대명사 배우기 이전 학생들은 요런 문장(대명사로 쓰인..) 쓰이지 않나여?
댓글 0
2022-07-20 17:49:02