To those whose education, however admirable in other respects, had provided only rudimentary language skills, ha seemed a marvel. 여기 , , 사이 해석 부터 먼저 해야하는 건가요?
This is all the more confusing as language is much more complex than, say, simple arithmetic, which often takes years to master.
어디까지가 주어이고 동사인지 모르겠어요ㅜ
Many years later, lecturing at school, 수년후, 강의른 하면서 라고 해석하나요?
He made a number of what he called 'A' discoveries about the structure of languages
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어제 부터 봤는데 해석이 어렵네요
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2022-07-11 08:05:30