아래의 노란색 부분 해석 부탁 드려요!
here’s what the report (lays out 펼쳐지다) for our future. the northeast can expect more (heat waves 폭염), (increased coastal sea level surge flooding 증가하는 해수면 수위 급범람) and (moresevere inland flash flooding 더 심각한 내륙으로의 갑작스런 홍수). the southeast will seenew fresh water issues due to (drought 가뭄) and increasedpopulation. as well as increased ocean surge flooding from (tropical systems 열대의 시스템) along the coast. themidwest - yes, there will be a longer (growing season 생장철). but more (extreme 극도의) heat waves, droughtsand flash flooding may (counteract대응하다) that positive.
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2022-07-03 01:01:38