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1. it is frequently said that good thinkers are born, not
made. some people have more talent for thinking than
others, and some learn more quickly. as a result, one
person may develop thinking ability to a greater extent
than another over the years. nevertheless, this idea is
essentially false because effective thinking is mostly a
matter of habit. research proves that the qualities of the
mind required to think well can be mastered by anyone.
it even proves that originality can be learned. most
importantly, it proves that you don’t need a high iq to be
a good thinker.

2. there is growing evidence that combining activities
such as walking or cycling with nature increases
well-being. according to jules pretty, a researcher at
the university of essex, those who are generally
inactive, stressed out, or with mental illness would
probably benefit the most from this ‘green exercise.’ he
said that in stressful workplaces employers should
encourage staff to take a short walk at lunchtime in the
nearest park for their mental health. even a short period
of green exercise can provide low-cost, drug-free
therapy to help improve mental well-being

3. i used to have a pet dog named jacky. i got him when
he was just a puppy. watching him grow
up was a fascinating experience. talking about my pet
dog, jacky, reminds me of an article i read in a magazine.
in the article, the writer shares many memorable
relationships with pet dogs as examples to support the
argument that pets are not happiest when they
are alone in nature. as an animal trainer, the writer
recognizes that attention from a pet’s owner is the
foundation of its happiness. he further argues that those
who oppose the idea of owning a pet are less
likely to understand what makes animals really happy.

4. i think one of the real problems is that there has
never been enough emphasis placed on forming good
habits. the only time we ever hear the words good
and habit in the same sentence is when a teacher
comments on the need for good study habits. but,
unfortunately, our bad habits get most of the attention,
which only strengthens them. our personalities are
actually a combination of our attitudes, habits, and
appearances. seeing the rewards of good habits can help
us redirect our focus and form good habits.5. remember, when we were very young, we would
naturally try, learn, and try again. sadly, our natural
ability to do this is over in a flash. fear of failure can
stop success in an instant. while in school, we are often
led to believe that we must succeed and that mistakes
should be avoided. but to be successful, we need to learn
how to fail and how to respond to failure. what we call
failure is really a way of learning. randy nelson, a
professor at pixar university, shared this healthy view of
failure with his students in his lecture: “you have to
honor failure, because failure is just the negative space
around success.”

제가 해석이 어려운 5지문이 있는데 해석을 해주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅠㅠㅠ
만약 시간이 어렵다면 3,4번만이라도 해석해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
1,2,5번은 그나마전반적인 내용은 두리뭉실하게 알겠으나3,4번은 해석도 요상하게되고,
해석이 잘안되어서 이해는 더더욱안되었습니다.. 가능하면 5개 다 해주셨으면.. 소원이 없겠습니다 부탁드립니다

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2022-06-29 10:34:58
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