but perhaps you who read this are an expert on wine. if so, you are lucky. i am an expert on nothing-nothing, anyhow that matters. i envy all you experts tremendously. when i see a cigar-expert listening to his cigar before putting it in his mouth, i wish that i were as great a man as he. privately sometimes i have listened to a cigar, but it has told me nothing. the only way i can tell whether it is good or bad is by smoking it. even then i could noit tell you (without the assistance of the band) whether it was a sancho panza or a guoco piano. i could only tell you whether i liked it or not, a question of no importance whatever.
위 지문에서 시가를 듣는단ㄴ게 특히 괄호안에 밴드의 도움없이 라고 나와있는데
시가를 밴드의 도움없이 듣는다는게 도통 부슨소리인지요 ㅠㅠ
2022-06-08 07:26:21
시가를 두드려서 건조상태 등을 소리로 알아낸다는 뜻ㅇ아닐까요?