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다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
The long debates about the merits and shortcomings of the two educational approaches have broughtwith them many widely accepted but largely untested notions.① One is that traditional approaches are dull, rigid, rote-like, and disliked by students while progressive approacehs are interesting,exciting,and encourage lifetime interests in learning. ② The evidence for such statements is scarce. ③ Rather,what evidence there is generally runs counter to this popular view.④ Stevemson and Stigler found thatJapanese children who were taught using a traditional approach liked school better than U.S children do who were taught using a progressiveapproach.⑤ Thus, a progressive approach seems more suitable for the U.S. students, who are taughtin a more democratic atmosphere