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질문 내용 :
14. In mid-2008, a bacterial infection at a Maple Leaf Foods meatpacking plant led to a massive product recall and intensive public image campaign. Despite early estimates of 10 million dollars in losses, we have concluded that the real figure is closer to 20 million dollars. The earlier figure focused just o perceived damage to the image of Maple Leaf Foods. However, we also included costs associated with the voluntary product recall, distinfection and upgrading of meatpacking facilities, and compensation for employees who were laid off during the crisis, among other factors. We feel that _____________________.
a. the initial calculations should have been made public earlier
b. our calculations give an accurate assessment of the true cost
c. this bacterial infection could have been prevented by the company
d. access to company records would provide a more accurate estimates답이 b인데 왜 b인줄 모르겟어용 ㅜㅜ 설명부탁합니다
손실 비용 계산 방법의 차이에 관한 내용이네요. 이전 계산에 비해 우리의 새로운 계산에는 이러저러한 항목들이 추가되어서 손실 액수가 커졌는데, \이 새로운 계산이 진짜 비용에 대해 더 정확히 산출한 것이이라고 생각한다.\