in the 1970s, when schools began allowing students to use portable calculators, many parents objected. they worried that a reliance on the machines would weaken their children’s grasp of mathematical concepts. the fears, subsequent studies showed, were largely unneeded. no longer forced to spend a lot of time on routine calculations, many students gained a deeper understanding of the principles underlying their exercises. today, the story of the calculator is often used to support the argument that our growing dependence on online databases is advantageous. in freeing us from the work of remembering, it’s said, the web allows us to devote more time to creative thought. the pocket calculator relieved the pressure on our working memory, letting us use that critical short-term store for more abstract reasoning. the calculator, a powerful but highly specialized tool, turned out to be an aid to our working memory.
고3 2014년 3월 모의고사 24번 문제인데요.이거 잘 보니깐 주제가 온라인 데이터 베이스의 의존성에 대한 긍정적인 모습을 알리기 위한 글인가 생각이 들었는데애들 대부분이 계산기의 이점이라고 하더라고요.다른 분들은 어떻게 생각하시는가 해서..