The tern commercial communications refers to any publicity activities
intended as part of a marketing process for goods or services.
the main activities associated with commercial communications are advertising, public
relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, events marketing and commercial sponsorship.
Within the broad term, advertising can be understood to be commercial messages carried by television
,newspapers and magazines, telephone and fax, direct mail, internet and interactive media, cinema, radio,
outdoor (poster, sports stadiums, buses, taxis, train, truck sides) and other nontraditional media, covering
anythinh from backs of bus tickets to skywriting.
2022-03-10 23:00:33
쏭다님 어떤부분에서 어떻게 막히는지..본인이 최대한 해보시고 질문해 보심어떨까요?
많은 도움을 드릴수 있는 입장은 못되지만.. 이곳 선생님들께 질문을 올리시고, 답을 얻으시는 목적은
독해부분에서 어떤것 때문에 막히는지, 문장을 보는 방법상에 어떤 오류가 있었는지 파악하고 배우기 위함이리라 생각됩니다. 언잖게 생각지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다..^^