office supplies are stored in the copy room, ______the fax machine.
a. next to b.down
답은 a인데요
down은 왜안되는걸까요.... fax machine이 윗층에있고 아래층에 copy room이잇을시에
down the fax machine도되지않을까요.. down의의미를 몰라서 틀린것같은데 설명좀해주세용
댓글 0
2022-02-22 19:21:27
office supplies are stored in the copy room, ______the fax machine.
a. next to b.down
답은 a인데요
down은 왜안되는걸까요.... fax machine이 윗층에있고 아래층에 copy room이잇을시에
down the fax machine도되지않을까요.. down의의미를 몰라서 틀린것같은데 설명좀해주세용