1.It has been calculated that people who worked in cities during the 1990s spent the equivalent of three whole years of their lives battling through the rush-hour traffic on their way to and from work.
2.The buildings will become intelligent spaces for workers on the move and staff will find themselves hot-desking: using whichever desk is available when they come into work.
풀어서 차근차근 설명 부탁드립니다. 좋은하루 되세요.
2022-02-20 23:58:18
1.1990년대의 도시근로자들은 그들의 (10년 중에서)삶의 거의 3년 동안을 직장으로 출 퇴근길의 러시아워와 씨름하며 보낸 것으로 보인다.