밑줄 친 부분 중 틀린 곳을찾는 문제입니다..
the company was suffering from the problems of retaining staff with its shrinking budgets, boosting their morale, and new recruits lacked talent.
이건 어디가 틀렸는지 아예 모르겠어요 ㅠ
johnson running into the office where we were discussing next year’s marketing strategies told with haste us.
여기선 running 부분이 동사인가요? told가 동사인가요..? running 부분이 동사면 ran으로 바꿔야 하나요ㅋㅋ..?
댓글 2
2022-02-14 04:58:36
1번은 was suffered가 되야하구요 회사가 고통을 주는게 아니라 from 이하부터 당하는것이기에.
2번은 잘 모르겠네요