선생님..^^다음 두문장중에 어법상어디가 잘못된 것인가요?1. Students were givenscissors to cut the cloth with.2. Mary seems that she knows why Paul is absent today.얼핏보기에는 둘다 맞는것같은데...ㅠㅠ2번을 why Paul was absent today로 바꿔야 하는건지...
댓글 0
2022-02-11 11:28:09
선생님..^^다음 두문장중에 어법상어디가 잘못된 것인가요?1. Students were givenscissors to cut the cloth with.2. Mary seems that she knows why Paul is absent today.얼핏보기에는 둘다 맞는것같은데...ㅠㅠ2번을 why Paul was absent today로 바꿔야 하는건지...