since then, nicolette has promoted futbol 4 refugees at gatherings of teams that she belonged to as a player and at parents’ meetings.이문장에서 promote는 홍보하다 라고 사용되었다고 생각했고요여기서 promote가 make sure people know about a new product, movie etc: kits promotingsesame street have been sent to day-care centers. 4. to try to persuade people to believe or support an idea or way of doing things: allen goes from school to school to promote his anti-drug message. 5. to be responsible for arranging a large public event such as a concert or a sports game.전 3번이라고 생각했습니다. 사람들이 새로운 제품이나 영화에 대해서 알게 하기라고요
그런데 답지에는 4번으로 되어있더군요. 그런데 4번 해석을 잘못하겠습니다.
문제 맞는지 확인 부탁드리고 해석도 해주시면 정말 감사드리겠습니다!
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2022-02-11 03:39:53