능률 기본 영어-분사구문의 전환이 어떤 게 맞나요?i hurried through car after car, asking whether therewas a doctor on the train. i eventually found one and quickly led him to theman lying on the floor. i explained that i had discovered the man in thepassage. finding that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down. the doctorloosened the man’s collar and, after examining him, announced that the manwould need to go to a hospital. on hearing this, a train employee said that theexpress train would not be able to stop. meanwhile, the man kept groaning, andhis condition gradually got worse.
위의 것이 전체 지문입니다.
그 중에서 분홍색 부분이 분사구문인데, 저 구문을 원래의 절로 고친다면 어떤 것이 맞을까요?
1. as i found that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down.
2. as i had found that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down.
그리고 또,
2번이 맞는 문장이라면 그 문장을 분사구문으로 바꿨을 때, 본문에서 처럼이 아니라,
다음과 같이 바꿔야 옳은 것이 아닌가요?
-having found that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down.
finding that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down.
having found that he was seriously ill, i had made him lie down.
이 두 문장의 차이는 무엇이며 무엇이 옳은 건가요? 둘 다 옳나요?
부탁드립니다. ^^