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질문 내용 :
the time consuming painful task is drilling/ drilledthe hole. 둘중에 왜 드릴링인지
small group activities were helping for me to have more confidence in seaking in english. 헬핑이왜틀린지
at the beginning of the year, senators indicated that extension business hours was really important. 익스텐션이왜틀린지
the sole purpose is worsen the working conditions and reduce the pay of employee. worsen이왜틀린지
the secret of business is know something that nobody else knows. know 틀린이유
in surcical of the fittest there is a brutality that should be lost( 왜 there is ?인지)
as our civilization has progressed, however, it seems that such acts are ~~ (오ㅐ it seems 인지)
there is no clear evidence that having less than one room ~ is harmful to ~ (왜 having?
there has been much discussion through the years ~ 왜 there has been?//