1. One of the best rules in conversation is never to say a thing which any one of the company can reasonably wish we had rather leave unsaid.
2. Want is sore thing, but proverty does not imply want. It remains to be seen whether with half his present income, or a third. he cannot live as fully as at present.
3. When a man has made a happy effort, he is possessed with an absurd ambition to have it thought that it cost him nothing.
댓글 4
2. Want is sore thing,/ 궁핍은 당장의 고통지만 but proverty does not imply want./가난은 물질적 궁핍만을 의미하지 않는다. It remains to be seen/가난은 여전히 동일하게 발견되어진다 whether with half his present income, or a third./현재소득의 절반이던 1/3을 가지던 간에. he cannot live as fully as at present./그러므로
3. When a man has made a happy effort,한 사람이 행복하게 노력해 왔을때, he is possessed with an absurd ambition/그는 한 바보같은 야망에서 있어 to 이하의 생각에 마음을 둔다/ to have it thought that it cost him nothing./즉 허황된 야망이 그에게 무가치하다는 것이 생각되도록(앞의 it는 that내용을 받는 가주어이고, 뒤의 it는 absurd ambit
정말 감사해요ㅜㅜ
1. One of the best rules in conversation/대화의 최선의 법칙중 하나는/ is never to say a thing / 어떠한 것을 말하지 않는 것이다/( which any one of the company can reasonably wish)/일행중 어떠한 한사람이 마땅히 소망하기를/ we had rather leave unsaid/우리가 차라리 말하지 않고 덮어두기를 원하는 것을 .