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아래 내용에서 밑줄 친 번호 부분에 대해서 다음과 같은 질문을 드릴께요. 확인 부탁 드릴께요.(1) onboard의 품사를뭘로 해야 할까요?(2) those는 뭘 가리키고, those on board를 해석을 어떻게 문맥에 맞게 해야 할까요?(3) inaudible은 들리지 않는 부분입니다. 원어민이 말하는 것은 아니지만, 어떤 말을 하고 있나요? 동영상은 2:01에서 재생하면 됩니다.(4) 어떻게 이해하면서 해석을 해야 할까요?(5) 이 문장의 전체적인 해석은어떻게 되는지요?(6) 스크립트가 맞질 않네요. 맞는 스크립트와 해석이 어떻게 되는지요? 동영상은 2:52에서재생하면 나옵니다.동영상 링크 http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/11/studentnews/sn-curriculum-wed/index.html감사합니다.

carl azuz, cnn anchor: new information in the searchfor a (missing passenger plane 사라진 여객기), but still no (closure 종결) for families. this is cnn student news. there’slittle hope and a lot of (grief 비통) for the families of239 people. that was the number (1) (onboard ~에 탑승한) malaysian airlinesflight 370, which (disappeared 사라졌다) early saturdaymorning. (word 소식) came out yesterdayfrom malaysia’s government that somehow the plane’s (transponder 응답기) was (turned off 꺼져있는). that’s an (instrument계기) that (transmits 송신하다) (altitude 고도), location and (direction 방향). malaysia’s air force was still able to track theflight as it (apparently 분명히) turned, and flew over thestraits of malacca, hundreds of miles (off course 경로에서 벗어나서). unfortunately, that’swhere the answers end.

as of last night, there was still no sign of the plane. we can show you whatit’s like to search the area near the plane’s last known location.

(begin videotape)

saima mohsin, cnn correspondent: this is no easy task. this c-130 plane (hasbeen carrying out 수행해 오고 있다) regular search andrescue missions since flight mh- 370 disappeared. it’s the first time the (minister장관) for (defense 방위) and (transportation 교통) and the chief of defense force have been out tosurvey this (massive operation 대대적인 작업). they invited cnn to join them.

(on camera): i have to put this (life jacket 구명조끼) on because we are now (descendingto ~로 하강하는) just 500 feet (abovesea level 해발). lying low, the doors are opened for the searchto begin. we flew past the number of ships, (scouring 찾아 헤매는) the sea for the plane,(2) those on board or any (clues 단서) at all to what’s happened.

datuk seri hishammuddin hussein, malaysian defence minister: i just want tofind the plane, you know, (at all costs 어떤 희생을 치르더라도) and (as long as ~하는 한) we are still standingand as long as people are out there, praying for us, (3) we will continue to (inaudible), and this is somethingthat i will not stop. this is what i promised to families.

mohsin (voice over): we flew to the malacca straits to the west of malaysia.

(on camera): for 16 ships surveying this area, that’s more than 12,000 (nauticalsquare miles 해양 제곱마일). they are joined inthe air by 14 air crafts.

(voice over): (4) and that’s just the area to the west of malaysia. there are more than 30aircraft and more than 40 ships in the (entire 전체의) operation. (5) as we look how to (cross 횡단하다) these vast expense of water, far into thehorizon, holding his hat in his hands, the minister tells mehe’s overwhelmed.

hishammuddin hussein: when you are looking for something, it is a wide sea,it’s a (reality check 현실 확인). i have to find, (6) what a huge craft like atriple seven, but we must never, never give up hope.

(end videotape)

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2022-01-13 17:00:13
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