1. joseph miller and his grandson eric said that the boat lost power about 4p.m. on thursday andthat/what they were unable to get the engine started again.
that/what 관계대명사를 묻는것같은데요..
답이 that이더라구요. 여기서 that이 접속사인가요? 관계대명사인가요?
그리고 what이 안되는 이유는 먼가요... .
2. the small boat was found drifting about five miles off cape cod. the victims were all taken to memorial hospital where/which they were said to be in fair condition.
답이 where인데요.. 앞에 memorial hospital을 선행사로 보고 where뒤의 they were said to be in fair condition을 완전한문장으로 봐서 관계부사 where이 온거 맞나요?
해석을 했을때는 hospital뒤에 , which 써서 계속적용법으로 해석.. 그러니깐 희생자들은 memorial hospital로 모두 데려갔고, 그곳에서 그들은 좋은 상태가되어질것이라고 말했다.라고 하면.. 이상한가요/?
그리고 where 뒤의 they는 누구를 말하나요??
that/what, where/which 가 왜 that과 where인지와 what과 which가 답이 안되는 이유좀 알려주세요..ㅠ