one example described a weight loss regimen which a person lost weight five pounds at a time instead of fifty pounds all at once.
에서 왜 which 가 in which 가 되죠??
2025-02-07 22:21:01
one example described a weight loss regimen which a person lost weight five pounds at a time instead of fifty pounds all at once.
에서 왜 which 가 in which 가 되죠??
regimen과 뒤문장을 이어줘야 할때
In이 필요하죠
A person lost weight in regimen
이러한 뒤문장에서 regimen을 중복시켜 which로 만들면 in이 남게 되죠? 그걸 which앞에 보낸 형태인셈이죠~