답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 : One of the exercises we were given was to make a list of the ten most important events of our lives, Numver one was I was born and you could put [however/whatever] you liked after that.인데요 .. 여기서 목적어자리라 whatever이라는데요뒷문장이 완전하니까 however로는 볼수 없나요 ? ㅠㅠ
댓글 0
2022-08-03 13:47:40