전체 내용은 한 건축가가 어느날 갑자기 앞을 못보게 되어 건축가로서 일을 할 수 없는 상황이 되었지만, 건축가로서 계속 일을 해 나간다는 얘기 입니다. 스크립트 확인과 해석 부탁드릴께요.1. 앞에 내용은 뇌종양 선고를 받았다는 것입니다.
i was told that it was a little bit more (involved 연루된), a little more complicated, and they anticipate (기대하다) it.
in fact, before doctors could tell him, he was officially blind. a social worker had already stopped by. 3. 그 건축가는 점자용 프린터와 왁스 스틱을 가지고 일을 계속해 나간다는 얘기가 앞서 있습니다.
especially as you work with, they get warm, it’s wax. so, it gets kind of conky, and it sticks to paper.
has helped downey become one of the world’s few blind architects with a special sense for designing (for the disabled 장애인을 위한).
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2022-07-17 08:00:20